London travels...
There are just some people who I LOVE seeing. I love being with them, being inspired because of them, feeling like I have something to offer them, being reminded of why we love Jesus. My friend's mum is Ethiopian and she is amazing. Seriously. She just sits me down and listens to me rant. And she faithfully prays for me too. I love that. I love that her presence calms me. I really hope I get to see her family again soon.
I enjoy just sitting in the car with good friends and listening to good music. I love talking and learning together. I love laughing and the banter that goes on. I love road kill and getting lost on country roads and watching the sunset as we drive home together.
I had big conversations today about important topics; accountability, integrity, judging others, compassion, motives, leadership, honesty, addiction...haha. So much. I realised I get excited about that kinda stuff (not really the last one though - addiction...hmmm), they are definitely stuff on my heart right now. Things I am trying to learn about. Things that I feel passionate about. These things are stuff that bubble out into my conversations with people.
I guess that's what passion does. It bursts out into everything we do.
So what is bursting out into your life today?