Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Daddy Dear

For some reason, today I have mostly been thinking about my dad.
You may not know him, but he is a wonderful, amazing man.

I don't say this enough to him, but I am extremely proud to be his daughter. He is wise, and very intelligent...an amazing people person (he is vicar, and knows EVERYONE in the villages). He loves travelling and is fluent in 3 languages. He is brave and honourable, and brought up us 6 kids all by himself (for a while) after my mum died.

Those who talk with me often, will hear me speak very highly of my dad. I am sooo thankful for the way I have been brought up. My dad and step mum have challenged us, but allowed us independence and the opportunity to learn from our mistakes.

However, I know that not everyone has had the same experience with their Fathers. And for that I am sorry. I am sorry that the image of a Dad might conjure up pain and brokeness for you. I hope you know that there is a Father who is so much better than that. A Father who desires only good things for you; hope and joy, wholeness and healing.

I've begun to wonder today...do I rave and 'boast' as much about my Heavenly Father as I do about my real Daddy? Am I eager to tell others about His goodness and how proud I am to be His child?


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