Monday, November 29, 2010

People Move Me

The more I trawl around the internet, the more amazed I am at people who are proactive about doing something that changes the world. It doesn't matter how small the change seems. And it doesn't mean nagging people to give money to something. There are incredible organisations out there, and I wanted to share just a few of them. Don't just go to the websites, but buy something knowing that your money is being used for something great. THE BEST Christmas presents are on these sites.

1. Got Your Back Movement
This non-profit organization exists to distribute school uniforms to children who need them. Buy a t-shirt online (they are lush) and you fund a child's education. Literally.
Nearly 1 billion people entered the 21st century unable to read a book or sign their names. For many of those individuals, finding a job to support themselves & their families will prove to be a daunting, if not impossible, task. Education provides the necessary tools to not only advance in today's work place but it also helps to create lasting and sustainable change for the good of communities worldwide.
I remember the first time I went to Africa and I realized that in most places, a child cannot attend school if they don't have a uniform. We take our education for granted. They don't.

Sometimes, ethical clothing lines aren't quite up to our taste. They look, well, funny. Not these bad boys.
Proceeds from the sale of these shoes goes to build 3 wells in Ethiopia, in a region without access to clean, safe drinking water, and where long barefoot walks expose people to soil-transmitted diseases. And with every pair you purchase, TOMS will give a pair of new shoes to a child in need.

3. Freeset
In India, prostitution is big business and thrives on exploitation and slavery, robbing the poor of dignity and innocence. At Freeset, women have the opportunity to leave prostitution, are trained with new skills for a new job and empowered with life-skills needed to appreciate freedom. They are paid around twice the going rate for an equivalent job elsewhere and as part of their employment package have health insurance and a pension plan.
As well as wonderfully recycled bags, clothing is another item which can be bought online at their site. Buy one, set one free.


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