Saturday, March 06, 2010


Today I went up to Bristol to spend the day with my dad and brothers. I love days like this. I feel, how can I put it? 'home' when I'm with them. It has got me thinking about home, and what makes it. Is home only "where the heart is"? I seem to have my heart strung up in different places.

O how easy it is to give your heart away.

I very easily visit somewhere, and only need to spend time with a few small children and I've suddenly developed an attachment. The thing is, I don't want to end up with something that is broken and used. It is far greater to give your heart away when it is whole and complete, isn't it?

I like that the Bible talks about the heart so much;
- It is the wellspring of life
- Out of its overflowings, my mouth speaks
- It is precious and vulnerable, yet powerful and strong

How badly do I want to protect my heart - yet how much greater is the desire to pour my heart out into those around me; giving it freely and without restrain; offered to the best and the least; leaving behind any fear of damage or misuse. That is the risk I take when I follow Christ.


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